Friday, March 18, 2005

The Storm

There was thunder. The wind swirled; heavy drops appeared from nowhere. In no time, my long-sleeved blue shirt was wet through with rain. The weather nowadays is just so abnormal. It was hot as hell this afternoon and now... it's raining cats and dogs! Many are frowning. They don't like this. I can feel that some of them are even cursing God.


I find some similiarities there. Just like the heavy rain, my heart is crying out; like the heavy downpour, not knowing when or how to stop. It is uncontrollable. It is unbearable. My heart is also wet through like the blue shirt I am wearing; only this time it is wet with blood. Slice after slice, the knife just keeps on slicing... not knowing that I barely have enough blood to survive. They don't realize that I can't stand much more. Do they? Do they even care?

My friend once told me that, "Wounds from friends can be trusted but enemies multiply kisses." You know what... I am seriously not sure whether this is the wound from my friend or the kisses from the enemy? I seriously dont know. I just know that I am bleeding profusely and nobody seems to care.

They are all too busy doing good stuff. They think that they are of certain standards and set themselves high above the rest... real high.......then they cast their burdens on you, trying their best to make you feel like the beggars on the streets.

They tell you how encouraged they are having you as a friend... they tell you how much you rock as a friend but they tell others how sensitive you can be, how ungodly your character can be, how your standards fall way below theirs. Crap! For the first time, I see the other side of their faces.

I seriously dont know what to do. Tell me, if you know the answer. I've questioned God, I've questioned myself. I did all the reasoning. I tried compromising. I refuse to give up. But what can I do?

This is the biggest storm in the life I've ever lived.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


He's smart and good-looking; she's smarter and even better-looking. So, naturally, they want to set you up with their dumb, unattractive friend, and can't understand why you should be the slightest bit ungrateful. This "we didn't settle, but we expect you to" act is only slightly better than the related "Gosh, how can you stand being single?" routine, as sure an incitement to happy couple homicide as ever was invented.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005


tink................. tink........................ boing.............................. kadakadadingdong......................................
That's the sound of cohonies expanding and depressing all automated and stuff...............................

ding dong kadadasadarasodingo.................................................................................................................
that is the sound of badido thefrog king talking!!!!!!!!!!...........................................hehehehehehe......

what do you think? do cohonies and frog kings excite you.....................................................................

king king farasugiferosogantilo..................................................................................................................
that is the way the bull of cantabiloso (fabuloso's cousin) talks to its fellow banditos.......................

conversing, mersing, pursing, lurking, hurting, staring, flaring, hearing, converting, hasting..........
what comes to mind when these words appear in front of your pimpleful face?????????????????

ging gong garasetuyingersastuletusa........................................................................................................
goes the warning bell of the lettuseians of luttecia...................................heheheehehehehe..............

ain't this blog dumb??????????
well, this blog was the concuction of a few friends of mine that were very helpful.............................