Recently, one Christian friend of mine was invited by his friend to attend a Catholic Cell Group. Out of curiousity, I asked him the about the CG, how he felt and whether it was worth his visit.
To my suprise, he gave me a long list of positive answers. He said that the Catholic CG was very interesting. The people there spoke in tongues, had holy laughter and even slained in the Spirit. They are very charismatic and they hardly ever mentioned about Mary. Overall, he said the CG was very interesting and since the visit, he's not so prejudiced anymore.
So now that Catholic has become so parallel, almost similiar to Christianity, does it mean that we are now one big family? Do we, Christian accept them like how we accept other Christian denominations? Are we one now? Are we running the same race? I wonder.
It's true that there are some Catholic congregations that have been transformed by a relatively recent phenomenon that they called the Renewal, where many Catholics begin experiencing the move of the Spirit. It's also true that there are Catholics that are Christians, but sadly, I would not say that Catholics and Christians are one big family, because a disproportionately large percentage of Catholics do not have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. The family of God consists only of those who have been born again by repentance and confession of Christ as Savior.
I have been asked many times here what my religion is. I don't say Protestant or Assemblies of God. I tell ppl that I'm a Christian. Period. Either you're a Christian, or you're not.
At any rate, the issue of fraternity/fellowship/partnership with the Catholic church is a very thorny and troubling one for many pastors, ours included. You've probably heard the comparisons to the Babylonian Whore by Chick Publications.
Hehe...I know all that I've said is probably not new to you, but just giving you my two-cents.
So did you appeal for the fine? Why never reply my email, you terrible person? ;p
Fri Aug 26, 10:01:00 PM
The church sounds good ;-) PEACE & HOLLABACK
Fri Aug 26, 11:20:00 PM
The renewal movement within the catholic system is actually not new it has infact been around for over 40yrs. Just as there is people within the catholic system who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour the same is with the pentecostal system too. By that I mean we are told within the Word that we will be judged according to what we do, as well not do and what we say and not say. People can accept Jesus but not allow Him to actually lead their life. People know the 1st part of Eph 4:18 "do not be drunk with wine" then make a doctrine out of it but what does the rest of the verse say....."be constantly filled with the holy spirit"..i do not know many people who have that! So what i am saying lets not judge infact lets pray for them coz Jesus loves them too. Jesus is coming back for a bride not a prostitute. Lets us do our bit for the Kingdom of God. If we want something to change within Penang what r we willing to do? Who r u willing to talk to? Come on we have the keys to eternal life within our hands lets not be selfish lets give it out!! Jesus is the only way to Heaven!
Sat Aug 27, 02:20:00 AM
anyway, after reading the previous comment, i just wanna let you know that this topic is a very wide one. In the end our comments are just comments, you will have to know how to discern things for a matter of fact, manifestations of the Spirit is well accepted in our church and it follows us wherever we minister but we do not idolise it. That is the difference. We cannot say that manifestations are negative signs. If you wanna know more about that, we have a book that explains everything.In the end, people's souls are more important and seeing people's lives changed is the greatest fulfilment.We have spent so much time commenting on this topic when we should be out telling people about Jesus!!! no wonder churches aren't growing!
Sat Aug 27, 10:30:00 AM
Amen to that, pkhughes!
Sun Aug 28, 06:54:00 AM
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