Friday, April 01, 2005


Why must we be reminded again and again and again of what a wretched we are ? Why things that have already been settled be brought up again? Why do people like to dig out histories? Why must dig out past failures? Why do one forgive you then later tell others of the things you have done? Why is the world such a nice place to be? Why I am who I am? Why? Why? Why?

Why do I even bother to know why?


Blogger Joel Chan said...

looks like we have a scholar/philosopher in the making here...nice points there, adeline...
sigh...i guess one answer to ur questions, wilson, would be this: man's sin nature. the heart is desperately wicked. the human heart and soul is marred forever by the horrible cancer of sin and can only be healed slowly and in stages by the saving blood of Christ.

Mon Apr 11, 08:53:00 AM


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